This story was first published in Nature or so I remember, but couldn't find the original link and I have to trust the BBC news page for it.
Basically it says that if ordinary people (like you and me) are put under a situation, where there is a strong authority, they are willing to put aside their countios and commit torture. Be it for the science, or an act of patriotism. This is probably written in our genes somewhere, probably due to evolutionary reasons, but it is scary, really really scary. So imagin Zizili, me and noonche, and you between the four of us, three of us will commit torture if we have too. Even worse we will do it if we are told so, but we don't have to.
Can you imagine what that means? No wonder there are so many wars going on, and there are who will kill or be killed under military orders. No wonder the world is such a nasty place. Makes you wonder when our evolution will be complete enough that we realize we don't need to kill to have food, don't need to kill to be alive and don't need to kill to get our rights back.
This is sad and scary! I never thought I would do such thing, but then, most of the people in that study would have never thought that they would do such thing under a scientist's order.
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