type "A" in google: second link: physical review A
type "B" in google: second link: physical review B
"C" : speed of light
"D" : democratic party, Physical review D comes in second
"e" : 2.71828183
"f" : finance
"g": gmail
surprisingly physics make up a big portion of this list just goes to show how important physics is (or physical review letters is to physicists)
P.S. I came here to write something else, instead of blogfa I typed in b and hit enter, this is what I got, totally forgot what I was going to write.
P.S. 2. Noonche khanoom, where are you, I miss you,
۲ نظر:
aghaye tarhe naboodie dokhtara, hatman hata 1 kalame ham az webloge ma nakhondi vagarna mifahmidi ke ma hamamon dokhtarim!!!! in add ro pak nemikonam ke sharmande beshi. vase ye poste be in bahali ye tablighe be in maskhareyi vaghe'an dardnake
وای خودت اینو کشف کردی؟ خیلی جالب بود.البته این توطئه استکباره
ولی دو نکته مهم هم وجود داره.
اول اینکه تو google هم مثل خونه ما فیزیک همش دومه و بعد هم اینکه خدا روشکر این فیزیکیا هنوز حرف Z رو اشغال نکردن.
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