Happy Birthday Zizili joon
Noonche joon you asked us not to write about the sad and the bad news and memories. Even though we can’t ignore them, life goes on and we should try to enjoy it. I agree with you so let’s talk happy news.
Happy birthday Zizili joon! I hope that you enjoy your birthday. I really miss being there and celebrating our birthdays together.
I couldn’t think of a good gift for you. So I decided to show you the Nova Science website. I hope it is not too confusing and too much science for you.
In particular you can watch this new video about synthetic diamond I also hope that you can watch the video’s in this website. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist who tries to make science fun. He is really a funny guy and really smart. The topics are awesome and his explanations are easy to understand. It takes your attention away from the world around you.
July is a happier month than June. A lot of my friends and family are born in July, including Zizili joon, Sibak and dokhtar khale. I hope it brings us hope this year. More exciting; on Zizili’s birthday I am going to an engagement party and since I will be the only Iranian there, there is no need to talk about politics. A very good friend of mine is tying the knot with his long time best friend. Better yet, I am going back to Toronto for the party and I will be able to see my friends that I dearly miss as well. It is going to be a more promising month than June.
Zizili joonam, I hope you have lots of fun in Rasht and enjoy your birthday.
Noonche joon you are responsible for the cake.
P.S. I really miss Mamani
۳ نظر:
زیزیلک جون تولدت مبارک .
کیک هم یادم نرفته . هر وقت اومدی برات می پزم .
منم خیلی دلم برای مامانی تنگ شده . خیلی دوست داشتم یه مطلب در موردش بنویسم . ام چون قراره دیگه غمگین ننویسیم فقط می تونم بگم یاد همه روزای خوبی که تابستونا می رفتیم و خونش می موندیم بخیر .
ازتون ممنونم.
زیزیلکم امیدوارم که بهت خیلی خوش بگذره.
نونوچه جون دیدی بلاخره زیزیلک تحمل نکرد و بلاخره یه جمله غمگین کننده نوشت.
منم دلم واسه مامانی خیلی تنگ شده.
man faghat mikhastam yedesh konam. hamin, chon in mogheha ke mishe ziad be yadesh mioftam.
hala taze khabi ro ke hamon shab dide bodam nagoftam ke narahat konande nashe, bebin bazam davam mikonida
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