۲۳ مرداد ۱۳۸۸


Evolution is slow and painful. For every small change in our shape or behaviour hundreds of years are needed. First Genes mush mutate, once the mutation is complete there is a good chance that the mutation was towards the wrong direction and it eventualy fades away. Once in many million times the mutation takes us towards a new path with a better chance of survival and we eventually become better, stronger, or more compatible with our environment.

There are a lot of things about humans that we don't actually like, for example most of us prefer to be a vegetarian than having to kill an animal to feed ourselves. But our bodies are designed to be meat lovers. It is extremely hard for us to obtain for example vitamin B12 from other sources than red meat. These days vegetarians rely on supplements to over come this problem, but one day perhaps, there will be a mutation in us that allows for our body to produce vitamin B12. Then the vegetarian portion of the population will grow and eventually all people will be vegetarians.

Unfortunately in a similar way we are designed to survive and we are designed to kill others for food or for territory. As a matter of fact that is the reason we are here today. We successfully found enough food to survive and as Homo Sapiens managed to kill all the Neanderthals about 600000 years ago and become the only intelligent species on the planet.

It has been hundreds of years that the peace loving portion of the population is trying to teach the rest of us that violence isn't the answer. Talk to any human being these days, even the dictators or serial killers (well may be not the serial killers, because they are probably mentally sick) or the ones who order the start of the war and they will claim that human life is precious to them. They will tell you that they have been forced to take action. They have been forced to start the war or forced to kill fellow humans for the sake of humanity. Turns out the problem is that we have not evolved enough to be better people. We know that violence isn't the answer. There are many studies (see this for example) that says you won't gain any information by torturing people and yet there are many of us (believe me) that put in the right situation would commit torture. The most famous example is perhaps the Stanford Prison study, which shows put in the wrong place, the tortures are as much victims of their situations as the people being tortured. I saw another study that I can't find right now that persuaded enough, for the sake of science about %80 of ordinary people were willing to put an unknown person under excruciating pain.

Ever since Genghis Khan's reign of terror, we haven' t evolved. Deep down many of us (This makes me so scared. I like to think I am not one of them, but it is hard to deny when it includes %80) are build to love it. Build to love having more land and more power. Just count the number of teenagers that love horrifying video games and you get the picture. Came Hitler's time, the magic mutation wasn't happening yet. It may take thousands of more years before we all become like Mahatma Gandhi.

However this doesn't justify it does it? We are smarter than Genghis khan was, perhaps on average we are even smarter than people in Hitler's time. We have evolved enough to realize that torture is bad and horrible. We have tried to build safeguards such as UN to prevent us from killing each other. We are like vampires who try to live like humans. So when something as bad happens it makes me realize more than ever that our safeguards haven't been enough. We still need to work on it. Still need to think about it during the calm and quiet to prevent it from sparking when things start going wrong. We need to work on our social systems because the evolution has not taken place yet. We need to become violence vegetarians by choice and consciously because our biology is still weak and useless. When it comes time that I am put in a similar situation I will try to stop the violence. I will try not to be violent and I will try to spread the word against it.

P.S. If you can read Farsi, check this out

۳ نظر:

زیزیلی گفت...

هر روز اخباری از گوشه و کنار دنیا می شنویم که روی چنگیز خان و هیتلر سفید شده.

وقتی سران کشورهابخاطر منافع حقیر اقتصادی حاضرن نقض حقوق بشر رو ندیده بگیرن و یا شکنجه هایی که در کشورشون شده رو با دیدگاه حفظ امنیت توجیه کنن به نظر من این 80 درصد خیلی معقول به نظر میاد هر چند که شاید اولش به نظر عجیب و غیرقابل تصور باشه.
به نظر من انسانها تحت شرایط اجتماعی فاسد میشن و این فساد اینقدر ذره ذره و نامحسوس پیش میره که انسان باهاش خو میگیره و یه روز چشمش رو باز میکنه و میبینه جز جنایتکارترین افراد تاریخه نمونه اش رو هم داریم (اسنادش موجوده :) )
شاید هرکدوم از ما هم اگر تو همچین راه هایی قرار بگیریم همونطوری بشیم حتی اگه از اولش از خشونت و شکنجه متنفر باشیم. حالا یه ذره کمترو یا یه ذره بیشتر.

به نظر من چند چیز مثل کپک واسه آدم هستن یکیشون طمع ه و یکیشون دورغ.
وقتی با این دو عامل خو بگیری کم کم به شرایطی می رسی که حاضری هر کاری رو بکنی. هر جنایتی رو و هر ظلمی رو.

نونوچه گفت...

تا براتون پیش اومده که به دلایلی یه روز خالی بندی کنید یا دروغی بگید ؟
اگه ادم یه دروغو چند بار تکرار کنه کمکم باورش میشه که راسته .
وای به روزی که کسی دروغای زیادی بگه و همشونو باور کنه و با باور های جدیدش بخواد زندگی کنه و تصمیم بگیره و تصمیماش تو زندگی آدمای دیگه هم اثر کنه .
و بد تر از اون وای به روزی که بگندد نمک .

زیزیلی گفت...

با این نظرت موافقم.