۲۱ فروردین ۱۳۸۸

( What can we do about climate change (Blogfa - by Zizilak

We are all responsible to what happens to us, because it is not going to be like: “Oh, I won’t have any kids so why do I care what happens to the planet, I want to have fun now”. The reality is that based on the data from the last two years or so, the arctic sea will permanently disappear in the next 10 years. That is going to happen in our generation and we will all suffer for our actions. There is no nation in the world that will be excluded from the doom’s day.

We in the developed and developing world consume far more energy than the people in Africa or India. This is a huge mistake. It is not just about turning out the lamp, or walking that distance instead of driving your car, It is also about what we buy and wear and eat, and how much energy goes into eat for production. If you buy a banana that came all the way from Africa, it brought with it lots of green gas emissions. It is about consuming less, being careful and recycling and buying local. The more local you buy the less it costs the earth.

Also, we all need to learn to use renewable energies. Jim Anderson had a talk here last week. He showed by calculations than US alone, with today’s technology (we don’t even need new research) we can get %30 or our energy from Wind power and $30 from sun, just by heating up water in black containers, not even fancy solar cell systems. This needs more awareness. It is about forcing politicians to think about it. Sweden is going carbon neutral in 2025 and that might already be too late. Why not act today? All of us not just one country. The Europeans are the best when it comes to understanding the problem. Unfortunately the rest of the world isn’t yet educated well about it, and it comes to us to spread the message around. Next time you are taking the elevator upstairs just think about it twice. Next time you are leaving the work and leave your computer on, think about it twice. At this point to avoid irreversible damage, we all need to take steps, be it small, we should take action.

The other major problem which I didn’t mention is the shear number of human beings. It takes 20 planes to feed us all. That is a huge burden. Next time you are thinking of having a kid, think about their future. Think about adoption. We need to reduce the population to at least 1/10 of the current population to be sustainable. This might be controversial but it is so true.

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زیزیلی گفت...

ای کاش میشد به همه مردم دنیا اینو فهموند ولی تا وقتی که این همه جنگ و فقر و بدبختی تو دنیاست نمیشه انتظار داشت که درباره محیط زیست بشه کار بزرگی انجام داد.

چه خوب که وبلاگمون یه کمی هم محیط زیستی شده. مرسی.

zizilak گفت...

mas'aleye mohem ine ke agar fekri be hale in moshkel nakonim jango badbakhti bishtar mishe. migan jangaye gharne 20 baraye naft bood jangaye gharne 21 vase aab khahad bood.

kash mishod in webloge adamaye bishtari mikhondan, migam be chand ta az dostaye nazdikemon begim ?

زیزیلی گفت...

من حرفی ندارم.