۳۱ اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۸

( Random (Blogfa - by zizilak

I have been away from this blog for so long that I systematically forget to write here. I came across a lot of cool stuff recently that I forgot to put here and I can’t find the links anymore. The most recent one that luckily I can find is this post about artificial trees that can power your house. I am not quite satisfied that it will work as well as they claim it does, but nevertheless it is a really cool idea. If we add a little bit of fashion to the environment friendly concepts we can make it more attractive for the average Joes to use them.

I recently successfully converted my office mate into a dedicated recycler and I feel proud of it. I may add it to the one billion challenge list to feel good about myself. When I first came here he used to throw his waste paper into the garbage bin. I kept picking them up from the garbage and putting them into the hallway’s recycling bin. Now, not only he recycles his office papers, he told me that he has started recycling at home as well. And today we ordered a blue box for our office to make it easier for him and others to follow on that

Another cool link that I found this week and I just remembered is this post in scientific American about the reasons why we believe in superstition such as angels and demons or even god and Satan. I find this really interesting. One main reason that separates us from other animals is that we can use logic to recognize patterns and learn based on that. A child can look at the picture of a horse and put that picture in the same category as a live horse. We can name two different horses and distinguish them from each other, but at the same time they are both horses. The concept of color is even more interesting. Now when we find patterns that are hard to put them into categories, such as good and bad and nice and evil, we begin to name them. The more intelligent we became the more we developed this concept. Isn’t that really cool?

I have been sick in the last little while. At first I ignored it and thought this is just a side effect of drinking too much coffee. I quit coffee hoping that it would solve itself. They say one of the benefits of regular exercise is that it exaggerates your health problems helping you find out about it, and luckily it helped me figure out coffee isn’t the only reason that I have symptoms. With the help of my doctor we finally figured what is wrong with me, and I have to admit that even though it is somewhat serious, it is one of the least serious ones from my doctor’s list of possibilities and for that I am happy.

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