۱۹ دی ۱۳۸۸

What is the point

What is the point of achieving something, when you can't celebrate it with your family?
What is the point of having everything you wanted without being able to share it?
What is the point of writing a blog when you can't write what is in your mind?
What is the point of dreaming about that old beautiful downtown house when it doesn't exist anymore? Even worse: What is the point of having a nightmare happen in that place to ruin the good memory?
What is the point of having two citizenships, when no country in the world treats you like a human being?

P.S. I am sick of my nightmares, every night something is going wrong. Last night I woke up, I didn't know who I am or where I am or what is going on, and started screaming when I saw Sibak, not realizing who he is. This is the second time that I can't recognize that I am awake and my brain can't access the consciousness. It is like I can't access the information necessary to even recognize who I am. A weired kind of amnesia that once lasted a few minutes, to a point that Sibak thought I am joking.

P.S.2. I have about 10 links about the environment that I have been meaning to link here and talk about them, but I really don't see the point right now.

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سیما گفت...

زیزیلک عزیز
من هم تجربه ی مشابه تو رو رو در خواب دارم. کاملا مشابه!!!!

اما سوال هایی که اون اول گردی، مگه زندگی جز اینه؟ برای من همه ی شیرینی زندگی اینه که بعد از مدتی هر اون چیزی که زمانی همه ی ذهنت بوده به نوعی کنار می ره و خاطره ی ای شیرین ازش می مونه. همین دست نیافتنی بودنش و تکرار نشدنی بودنشه که لحظه لحظه ی زندگی رو خیلی زیبا می کنه برام.

دلم برات قد یه دنیا تنگ شده. اما همیشه یاد زنگوله ها هستم قرارمون که یادته؟

zizilak گفت...

sima joonam,

vaghti ke kheyli deltang bashi, va bedoni ke taghsire khodete ke on shirinia dige nistan, bishtar halet gerefte mishe

man zangoleha ro faramosh nemikonam,vali gahi ham hava abri mishe digeg. fekr konam bishtar in
roza az daste khodam asabaniam ke pa nemisham biam khone.

manam ye donya delam tange. kheyli delam mikhad biam bebinameton.